
2013 Term 2 Week 3 – Pinot Gris after Pinot Gris after Pinot Gris after Pinot Gris

BIOL 210 – Vascular Plants
Favourite class. We learned about tissue systems and the cells that comprise them. Sclereids, for example, sometimes make up sclerenchyma tissues which provide support and flexibility in vines.

I’m also sure my lab partner hates me. I can hardly section plants to save my life, and I tripped on a chair on the way back to my desk from the demo potato and I instinctively yelled “YOLO”. I hate myself.

BIOL 234 – Fundamentals of Genetics
Mitosis, meiosis, Mendel, and the fear of God instilled into my soul from hoping that my crappy cell division drawings wouldn’t be selected to be displayed on the projector only to be corrected by the prof, complete with humiliating collective questions to the class (“does this cell look right to everyone?”).… read more